Saturday, November 17, 2007

Long time but I am back now

Oh here she is our beautiful baby grand daughter. I have made so much for her and as you can see it is a long time since I have posted.

I also was away for a month visiting Alaska Canada HongKong and China. It was a lovely trip but I was so pleased to get back home. There is nothing like home and your own bed.

Now as promised a picture of the raffle quilt. We made a nice profit which was donated to the Wildlife hospital. A great day at the picnic and fun for all.

Let me see what have I been up to. I have attended a Gloria Loughman workshop at our quilt group and it was just the most fantastic two days. She is such a wonderful teacher. I just felt I learnt so much from her. Her quilts are just amazing. I still have not finished so can not show you yet.

Here are a couple of quilts I have made this year. The first was a quilt embroidery swap.

HELLO I have not posted for a very long time. I could not get into my blog but after an hour finely worked it out. My what have I b...